October 23, 2001


uh oh.. work is over, so why am I still here? Well I figure since I'm supposed to meet with my NachOS group in Olin in about an hour there's not really much point for me to run through the storming rain home for a few minutes and then back up onto campus. So here I sit in Fellows amusing myself with web browsing and whatnot. I'm not looking forward to programming tonight, but then again, rarely am I. At least we're getting an early start on stuff. I'm also missing the Jell-O shots testing tonight. :( Guess I'll have to make up for it this weekend. Tuesday, October 23, 2001 3:47 PM - Work
Work sucks. Usually not, but when you get two appointments back to back and then you have the two hours of office hours, it does. Oh well, it all evens out in the end. Blue Flags dammit people!! hehe Anyways, webcam rankings are climbing steadily.. hehe go vote for me with the buttons above if you haven't yet.. :) *Off to do another call.. :P

Posted by Divinity at October 23, 2001 07:03 PM
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