June 19, 2002

I love Britni

Can I just take a moment to say that I love Britni? hehe I was bored and on Fuzzy's site and came across a link he found on slashdot. It's about geeks and their significant others and the issues that this geekdom brings about. I just thought about how much love and support Britni has for me and the stupid geeky things I do. While most everyone who posted a response on Slashdot insulted and made fun of people for being too geeky, Britni just laughs and lets me do my own thing most of the time. :) "Last night she finally cracked when I installed a network point in the bathroom and told me that either the connection went or she did." Hehe, when I did that, everyone just kind of laughed and accepted it, especially Brit. Anyways, not only does she accept my geekiness, she also supports me in everything that I do, which is great. I had quite some time before I met her that I had to rely on supporting myself, so now it's nice to have someone else next to me the whole time. :) Oh, btw, check out the posted responses on that Slashdot story.

Posted by Divinity at June 19, 2002 02:03 PM
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