November 16, 2002

Bowling for Columbine

Just got back from seeing Bowling for Columbine with the boys. A great movie, if you have the opportunity to see it, go see it. It's a great ?social documentary? by Michael Moore. Not only is it funny at points, but it makes incredibly strong points at others, and calls attention to things that seem to get ignored by society as a whole. the thing that struck home the most to me was a segment that talked about how the media and the people in charge do a great job of making people scared. Marilyn Manson also made this point and mentioned how media makes people scared and that in order to feel safe they need to be good consumers. I don't want to go off on a rant or start preaching or anything here, it's best for people to just go see the movie and make their own decisions. Oh, and yes, I paid to go see a movie.

Posted by Divinity at November 16, 2002 10:56 PM
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