March 04, 2003

The TMobile SideKick Saga

Allow me to chronicle my experience with the TMobile SideKick while I sit and wait for a new one to arrive to replace the dead one sitting dark and lonely.

Feb 7th: I jump on to take advantage of the great deal. $50 for an SK after rebates. It says "Usually Ships in 24 hours" Excellent! I'll be surfing wirelessly and IMing from the car in mere days! And even better, I'll have it for my long road trip on the weekend of Feb 21st. I place the order for the $256 SK + shipping and handling.

Feb 8th-21st: I wait and wait and wait. Amazon delays my order, I call and complain, they refund my 3-5day shipping costs (a whopping $6.98). They say that the SK is Back Ordered. I complain some more. I keep checking my order on Amazon and my bank statement online. Suddenly I'm billed for the $256 and the order ships. After traveling between Texas and Tenn a few times things finally get sorted out and FedEx upgrades me to Priority to try to get it to me within the quoted time. Finally it arrives mere hours before I hit the road for said roadtrip. In the car the gf drives, I unpack, plug in to my acdc converter, activate in seconds, and I'm instantly online. I'm in love. (don't tell the gf :) I use the SK that Friday night, a tiny bit on Saturday, and then some on Sunday and Monday.

Feb 24th: Monday around noon, I'm driving to work, the gf calls, we talk for a minute, I hang up, notice the battery is low, so I turn off it off so the whole thing doesn't die. Little did I know it would never power on again. I try everything, hours spent on websites/forums/etc. trying every trick in the book (except the one where you open the case), and even the battery drain trick over the next two weeks. Nothing works. I call TMobile immediately when I get home. They (Pam) start off by saying "Take it to the nearest TMobile store and exchange it" but then she realizes that I bought it from Amazon and the response is call Amazon since it's within the 14 days of purchase.

I call Amazon, they're happy to send me a new one to replace it. Oh wait, let's check availability.. Oops "Not in Stock or Discontinued." My options are I can exchange it for another phone (which is NOT what I want) or I can wait and see if any become available. I decided to wait a bit and see if TMobile can help me.

I call TMobile back up and talk to Marcia. She's great, she understands Amazon is out and she's going to send me a new SK in 3-5 days. Excellent! I get off the phone excited, beaming to my gf about how nice TMobile service is.

Thursday, Feb 27th: I come home from work, and right on time is a package from TMobile in my mailbox. Only it's a little small. I open it up and find only a "hands-free kit." What the heck is this? Time to get back on the phone.

Call TMobile: Elaine says that the order was specifically for a "hands-free set" and was obviously a mistake. I explain the story to her, and ask if I'm getting billed for all this downtime. She says she'll suspend the account so I won't get billed anymore and she's going to send a prepaid label so I can return the handsfree set at no cost to me for the mistake. She then transfers me over to Amazon for more support and see what they can do for me these days.

Call Amazon: Jamel and I talk for awhile, I finally cave and say I want to return the whole thing (thank god I held off on the rebate coupons). He says he'll send out a prepaid label as well and I can return it for a full refund (which will credit to my account in 4-6weeks after arriving at Amazon). I don't want to cancel my service and lose the SK but it looks like it's come down to that. Wait, let's try something.

The TMobile Store 20 minutes away: I walk into the TMobile store and explain the situation to the guy working there. He repeats the "Amazon sold it, it's their responsibility" story. I ask him if he has an extra battery charger to check and make sure it's really my unit and not the charger cable. Yep, it's my SK. :P I've brought my checkbook for a reason though, I'm ready to see if I can get me a nice deal on an SK in store there that I can take home. He says it would be $250 plus a $50 rebate. I guess I'll pay the extra $150 to have this device I've fallen in love with. As I reach for my checkbook, I ask him if I can just transfer over my service from the old one, SIM card and all. Nope, turns out that since I have service already the device would cost me $350 with NO rebate. My checkbook stays in the pocket and I head home.

Call TMobile: back at home, I call up TMobile again as a last ditch effort. I get transferred to Wayne the technician. he's happy to exchange it for me after hearing my story and how I'd like to remain a TMobile customer. He asks if I want the 24-48 hour shipping for $15 extra. Sure, I'm even wiling to shell out more cash if it means I'll get this resolved finally. Things sound great, I double check and confirm that he is sending me a SideKick and not some accessory. I even get a tracking number. I hang up the phone content that I've made the right decision to stay with TMobile and try to get this worked out.

Tuesday, March 4th: Ok, it's been 120 hours (granted it's been about 72 business hours) and still no SK in the mail. Hell, I even stayed home from work when I felt a little bit sick on Monday, expecting to have my new SK to play with. Nothing. No mail, no package, no phone call, no email. I call up TMobile to see what the deal is. I give Brandy my order/tracking number, she looks it up and says that they're backordered 6 days. What?!?! Wayne assured me I would have it "by Tuesday at the latest."

So now I'm here, almost a full month after I've ordered the SK, almost two weeks without a working device, and $200 I'm missing because I was counting on a nice rebate. I'm waiting to see who gets here first, the SK replacement from TMobile, or the return prepaid label from Amazon. This will decided my fate. If I do end up returning the SK to Amazon for a refund. God help me if TMobile tries to charge me a cancellation fee for my account. I purchased an SK because I specifically dislike cell phones. I will very rarely use it for it's cell phone features, it was the web and IM features I bought it for. I have been unable to find a comparable product at a similar price, and would not want to drop down to an ordinary phone just to live out my contract and shell out $480 for nothing. This is my saga. I felt it needed to be voiced. The moral of the story is whatever you take from it. Don't get me wrong, I love the SideKick, I just wish I had one that worked.

One more attempt, I called TMobile to see if it would be possible for me to just take the SideKick down to the local TMobile store and exchange it. Brett, as he read from his notebook, said that I was now out of my 14 day period and that my only option would now be to wait for this backorder. However, amidst his canned apologies for my inconvenience, he was nice enough to give me 100 free bonus minutes credited to my account that I won't be able to use.

Posted by Divinity at March 4, 2003 07:55 PM

div, thats so shitty. i hate the way companies do that shit. i hope you get it all resolved and everything turns out good.

Posted by: des at March 6, 2003 03:58 AM

i seem to be having the same problems with my hard drives... although i demanded to have my money credited back, they still wanna be dicks... grrrrr.

Posted by: n0ia at March 8, 2003 09:28 AM

Next week, Homer's 'The Iliad', as translated by Div.

Posted by: retart at March 13, 2003 08:12 AM

Damn thats messed up man. I am considering getting a SK but reading things like your problems with them are turning me off to it. I feel you though, i hope you get all that resolved.

Posted by: JiN at August 29, 2003 04:12 AM

I feel your pain because i want one to. I got the cheaper version by ameritech which is just a pager and by the way it cost $100 after the rebate. I in Chi-town and none of the Tmobile stores sell the sidekick. I'm in a dilemma cause I don't want to by a used one. What should i do?

Posted by: dean at August 29, 2003 06:53 PM

Tmobile never gives out the rebate they promise when you purchase the telephone. I did everything they asked me to do, and mailed them all the documents they required. I received a letter from Tmobile stating they "declined my rebate at this time."

Now what? Hire an attorney to recover my $50? Spend a $100 day in shall claims court (I plan to do so) to get $50 back?

Stay away from Tmobile. By the way, have you noticed all the hidden charges on your bill?

Posted by: Gary Allum at September 5, 2003 01:05 PM

Well I'm happy with my sidekick now that it's working and all, I'm wanting a color one now. :) I received my rebate fine, with no troubles, but I have heard of people that didn't. I guess it's kind of the luck of the draw. As for hidden charges, not a one on mine, my bill has stuck around $45 almost every month plus/minus under a dollar.. :)

Posted by: Divinity at September 5, 2003 05:45 PM

My boyfriend & I each bought a sidekick 2 wks ago & we love them. So far we haven't had any problems with them. We had to have them once we saw them in action. All the features are great and the $39.99 camera attachment takes some really great photos. The only drawback is that the phone won't keep beeping when there is voicemail like regular phones do. But it's not that a big deal since the phone feature is almost like a bonus on top of the other great features.

Posted by: Marta at September 11, 2003 12:58 AM

Thanks for this informative post-

I fear that my brand new color sidekick has suffered the same fate of an "eternal powerdown".

Worked fine out of the box last week- used it during the the instructions that said let the battery powerdown before recharging to lengthen life (hah!)....last use was Sunday night as I awoke today to find a blank screen. I plugged it in the charger, but after an hour and a half the screen is still dark and cold and it gave be a bad feeling.....that feeling like it's not recharging and this baby is "buh bye".

At least now I know this may be a potential problem with some sidekicks and I'll be sure to get mine returned to Amazon before the trial period is up if it is indeed "departed".

Gotta admit's a great's so sexy looking- unfortunately, it doesn't handle javascript websites well otherwise it would be perfect. Since my main websites all have javascript, this is a big issue for me. Sigh- it's like meeting what you think is your soulmate only to find out that one single thing that kills any possibility of true happiness.

Posted by: Soulfire at September 22, 2003 02:00 PM

Follow Up-

Thanks to a sage tip by Divinity:

"One thing you
might want to try with your sidekick before returning it is a hard
reset. Swivel the screen halfway out, hold down the power button and
use a paper clip to press in the small reset button"

Did the trick and my sidekick has ended it's prolonged slumber. Thanks Div!!

Posted by: Soulfire at September 23, 2003 01:53 AM

Best deal I have seen on color sidekick is this one:
Seems to be $179 and you can teak their cheapest data plan for $19/month.

I know a few people that ordered from them and they like it.

I am planning to order soon - I want always-on internet and e-mail - and especially in color.

Tmobile coverage is pretty good in my area.


Posted by: Jamie at October 20, 2003 09:23 AM

Best deal I have seen on color sidekick is this one:
Seems to be $179 and you can teak their cheapest data plan for $19/month.

I know a few people that ordered from them and they like it.

I am planning to order soon - I want always-on internet and e-mail - and especially in color.

Tmobile coverage is pretty good in my area.


Posted by: Jamie at October 20, 2003 09:23 AM

T Mobil Sidekick (T-mobile) is now available for $49 after rebate!!!!


Posted by: Jamie at November 25, 2003 03:05 AM

i been wanting a sidekick for a long time anyone looking to sale theres email me please asap

Posted by: Marcus at November 28, 2003 07:43 PM

I got the sk from because I knew something like that would problably happen

Posted by: dannyboy at December 27, 2003 11:44 PM

I had same problem w/ sk 48hrs after I bought it but it works just fine now after I did the hard reset, but I'm not able to receive mms files or use the infra red and well the browse doesn't support java scripts but its better than nothing. I'm happy w/ it.

Posted by: djscoop at January 10, 2004 02:49 PM

That is a fucked up story. Don't worry things won't be getting any better, sorry. I have a sk too and just like you I fell in love with it but that didn't last for long. This thing doesn't have any of the rings I want, it doesn't access all of the web sites I want. And talking to a customer service rep is a joke I would be better off asking my one year old daughter for help. I love a lot things about the device, but I hate a lot of things too. Despite all of it's short coming's it's still the best phone/portable pc I have ever owned.

Posted by: young steve at January 23, 2004 09:40 PM

Can the sidekick work with any carrier or just Tmobile?please email me

Posted by: jboog at January 30, 2004 10:41 PM

I was wondering, does anyone know if the Sidekick with the color screen has a backlight feature?

Posted by: Ben at February 9, 2004 11:10 AM

Sidekick only works with TMobile in the states. Yes, it has a backlight feature, the screen is quite bright and even doubles as a flashlight at night.

Posted by: Divinity at February 10, 2004 05:15 PM

Cool! Another question to anyone who knows, does the t-mobile sidekick support a yahoo e-mail account?

Posted by: Ben at February 10, 2004 06:55 PM

Cool! Another question to anyone who knows, does the t-mobile sidekick support a yahoo e-mail account?

Posted by: Ben at February 10, 2004 06:55 PM

Cool! Another question to anyone who knows, does the t-mobile sidekick support a yahoo e-mail account?

Posted by: Ben at February 10, 2004 06:55 PM

lol sorry, didn't know that would post 3 times

Posted by: Ben at February 10, 2004 06:56 PM

don't know if it will work with Yahoo, but it will work with any POP3/IMAP mail server

Posted by: Divinity at February 11, 2004 05:25 PM

yep it will work with yahoo. it is pop 3

Posted by: mike at March 17, 2004 10:49 AM

i have a story not tragic like divinitys but i did real well with my bad experience my sk stopped working one week after i got it so i called tmobile they said call they sent out a new one took the other one back then credited my card with the purchase price and sent me 100.00 then tmobile sent me 50.00 so i made 150.00 to buy their side kick cool or what.

Posted by: bus at March 23, 2004 03:59 PM

My color side kick has a backlight defect. It keeps turning off?? And it looks like my sidekick is having trouble keeping on. The key pad keeps flickering like there is a power drain. Also the reciption sucks!!! I get a lot of droped calls and dead zones.

Posted by: james at May 11, 2004 01:11 AM

I just bought one from Tmobile. They told me to charge it for 48 hours or else the use will damage the battery.

Posted by: scott at June 11, 2004 10:27 AM
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