May 02, 2004

Why waking up late is dangerous

I work Satrudays, 7am-3pm, which is 30 minutes earlier than my normal shift. So Saturdays are always a little bit more difficult to wake up on time for. So yesterday I finally woke up around 6:45am. The drive to work is 10-15 minutes, so I was "late." I sprang out of bed, grabbed a pair of jeans, threw them on, ran and grabbed a shirt, brushed my teeth and ran around the apartment getting ready and picked Tony up 7 minutes later and was at work at 7:04am, 1 minute within the grace period. But then I really noticed how uncomfortable my jeans were. I looked closer at the jeans I had grabbed off the floor and realized they were not mine. I had on Britni's Gap jeans, complete with a nice boot flare and tiny pockets. That quickly explained why my crotch was so cramped, yet I had ample room for my butt. *sigh* Luckily I was able to wake Britni up by ssh-ing into my computer at home and turned the lights on and off until she woke up and was nice enough to bring my jeans to work for me. hehe In the future I'm going to double check what clothes I'm putting on in the morning. :P

Posted by Divinity at May 2, 2004 09:21 PM

Hey. . .
Pretty funny. Sure glad you didn't put on her bra too. :-)

Posted by: Dad at May 3, 2004 11:20 AM

That's the funniest post I've read all week. hehehahahah

Posted by: Eric at May 12, 2005 11:36 PM
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