I finally got a chance to take my laptop into The Laptop Guy today to see what it would cost to repair. He said that because of the age of the laptop (I think he kind of sneered at the fact that it's "only a pentium") it would run me $150-250 on parts, depending on what's damaged. Bleah. That blows. The thing was working well enough before I sent it in for what I thought would be warranty repair. Those bastards refused to fix it and then sent it back even more broken with a non-working LCD. Circuit City warranties are crap. So The Laptop Guy was a bit too steep to make it worthwhile, so I took it home and busted it open, figuring I can't do any more harm. I only broke the plastic border around the lcd once. hehe But I got it open, made sure connections were secure, but nothing helped. :( It's a shame too, this is such the perfect computer for replacing my stolen in car computer. Just enough power, very very small form factor, light, and a nice size display. So now I'm on the search for either a replacement LCD for a Toshiba Portege 3015CT, or else another LCD that I can use externally and just rip the LCD part off the laptop and keep the keyboard as one hell of a small computer. :) If nothing else, I can hook it up to a monitor and have another desktop system. *sigh* Anyone have any ideas or old hardware to donate? :)
Want some video to help you remember? X-Entertainment's 1980's Commercials
My friend Alan Seales is in a movie! Odd Man Out Remember that name ladies and gentlemen, before long you'll see it all over Hollywood. :)
Yep, she actually said that. Was talking with a customer today helping out with tech support issues and she busted out the line, "I'm not even supposed to be here today." It took all I had to keep my composure. The other notable quote of the day: "I have a keyless keyboard." Shit, I gotta get me one of those! :)
Oh yeah, btw, I'm moving to Chicago this month.