November 07, 1998

Life in college

Well, it's been a long time since my last update, so I figure I'm due for another one. I'm also due for some past experience write ups, but who knows if I'll get to those today. I'm still up in Ohio at Denison University. Things are going pretty good. Got back my midterm grades and I've got a 3.1 GPA :) I'm taking some pretty good courses, my favorite being Philosophy of course. Roomate, Mark, is pretty cool, and we haven't had any disagreements yet, well not at least anything significant. Our latest deal is buying a new couch. We already have a two person couch and a big, comfy chair, but he wants to get rid of the chair and get another couch. I have no idea on how he plans to fit it in, but we'll see. Oh, the other day we went around to Goodwill and Salvation Army and I got a grilled cheese maker among a number of things. I also got a record for $0.59 called German Beer Drinking Songs. We also went to a CD store, and I bought a new Crystal Method single that's really good (you can probably get it off, so use the link at the bottom of this page). Speaking of the new stuff at the bottom of the page, I've decided to throw a few more interesting things on here. One is the link to, supposedly the biggest store of its kind or something. If you go to and buy something from them, I get a small percentage of how much you spent. So use my link if you would, cause I don't have a job up in here in school yet. I also threw a Cyberthrill Banner back up, just to see if they would pay me this time. If they don't, I'm going to hassle them like crazy. I also threw up another simple counter that runs off of my own computer. It's not as good as the banner counter, but it's still pretty cool just to have. Speaking of the banner counter, I was told there was a Guestbook on it, which I hadn't realized. So go click on the guestbook button and sign my guestbook! :) Not much else going on here. I've been taking trips back home and off campus just about every weekend. Next weekend we're going to see Phish in Cleveland and Cincinnati, and then the weekend after that is Thanksgiving, and then after that who knows what’s going on. I get out the 20th of November for Thanksgiving, and don't come back till the 30th, so I'm happy. Well anyways, I guess I may do some of those Past Experiences write ups, so I'll end the Update here. Remember to enjoy life, and to seize every opportunity you are presented with! Thanks for taking the time to check out my page. Later...

Posted by Divinity at November 7, 1998 12:00 AM
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