August 30, 2002

I really should make a full update..

But no time or motivation for that now, I"ve been coding. hehe For those that are not easily offended (take heed of the warning!), check these out. Not to be missed. By the way, WillisTheCrib/WillisTheCrib2 is an AIM bot I've been pasting perl together and coding lately. I take NO RESPONSIBILITY for his content. He's downright obscene sometimes, but he learns it from the people he talks to, not me. I'm working on a more polite version now. And I promise, a full update on life and everything soon. I promise :) In short, I'm in Columbus, OH, have an apt, need a job, and had a good summer spent with Britni.

Posted by Divinity at August 30, 2002 02:52 AM
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