I know I'm long overdue, so shoot me. I've had life to deal with. a quick recap of the summer and current status. I spent the summer back and forth between Wadsworth, OH and Lewisville, NC. Alternating living with Dad and Britni's incredibly generous family. Gotta tell the Myrtle Beach story of course.
Britni went down to Myrtle Beach with some girls from Wadsworth. After a few days of sitting in the house all by myself (Dad and JM were out of town) I just couldn't handle it anymore. I had no friends in town, and was sick of the computer. So I jumped in the car and drove the 4 hours or so down to Myrtle Beach in the rain to surprise Britni. Got lost in Myrtle Beach trying to find the hotel they were at, but eventually found it with the help of Microsoft Streets and Trips. Parked the car, and walked towards the hotel. I saw a group of girls hanging off a balcony on my way across the street. With an all-too-familiar flip of the hair I recognized Britni, and wondered how long it would take her to recognize me as I walked up. Her version of the story: "I saw this guy walking down the street and thought to myself, hey, he looks like Ed... he even walks like Ed... hell, he even has the same exact hat as Ed... OH MY SHIT! ED!!!" So needless to say, it was a great surprise, and coincidentally they were going to call me and tell me to come down. So I crashed in the hotel room with the four girls, and spent a few fun days and nights in Myrtle Beach. Until it was time to leave. We walked out to the parking lot with our bags, and discovered half my bumper hanging off my car. Some jackass must have swiped it as he was pulling out of the space next to me. So with a bit of brute force we tore the whole thing off and tossed it in the back of the car so we could make the drive home. A few weeks later I finally got it repaired, at $250 (ouch) thanks to insurance. Thanks for the graduation present Dad. :)
After that Britni came home early with me and we spent some time in Lewisville, and then headed back up to Wadsworth. While in Wadsworth, I did some work for Britni's family, got a cable modem connection up and running, fixed some computer issues here and there, tested out a wireless solution to try to network their house (no go), and actually did some painting. Britni went to work most of the time, and so I got to hang out with her family about as much as with her. :) It was a lot of fun. Her brothers are a riot, and there's always something going on in the Day household. I still think it would make a great reality show, even though those reality shows get old real quick, but think along the lines of the Osbournes with less obscenity and more energy.
Then finally I moved to Columbus, OH. Dad cosigned the lease with me as I didn't (and still don't) have a job at the time. I went down to pick up my key, and move in the carload of stuff I had driven to Wadsworth with, and spent the night on a slowly deflating air mattress, no Internet connection, no phone, duct-taped sheets for curtains, a dental floss suspended shower curtain, and lots of GTA3 to pass the time. I headed back to NC and then Dad and I rented a UHaul, loaded it with all my furniture, bed, electronic equipment, etc. and made the arduous 65 mph drive from Lewisville, NC back up to Columbus, OH. Unloded the bed and crashed for the night. The next day was spent moving all my crap into the apartment, which actually is starting to look nice. Dad hung out for a few days, and then he headed back to NC. Mom and one of her friends came up that weekend and helped me out a great deal with all those little things you always seem to forget about. They helped clean out some of the apartment, fix the toilet I already broke (oops), and helped me pick out some curtains. But they could only stay a short time, because Mom had to get back to town to be on call for her patients. It was still nice though. :)
So now I sit here in Britni's room at Denison, enjoying the broadband connection (I have an AOL dial-up at the apt now :P never thought you'd see Ed use a modem again, eh?), hanging out with friends, and giving a hand with the Network Blitzes. The job search is not very fruitful so far. But I've gone and put some applications in at some non-computer jobs, so hopefully I can get something to hold me over in the meantime. Until then, it's an incredibly tight budget, only made livable by the generosity of the best girlfriend in the entire world. :)
Well, that covers just about all of it I think, minus a lot of details of course. :) Until next time...
Posted by Divinity at September 4, 2002 02:14 PM